Services and Worship at St Mary's Church

Please find below our current service times during vacancy.

Special and seasonal services will be published as necessary.

This Week's Readings

9th Sunday after Trinity

28th July 2024

What is Prayer Space?

On the 1st Saturday of each month during vacancy, between 10am -12noon we simply open the church doors and invite people in. Tea and coffee are available. There's no service, so visitors can use the 'space' for a time of prayer and reflection, while others may enjoy exploring the building. We also play gentle music to add to the atmosphere. This 'Space' is for you, a place of peace and tranquility. 


Daily Prayer: 

for each and every day

Join the Church in prayer. Here you will find the CoE services of Morning, Evening Prayer and Compline. Then services include the daily readings and audio versions can be played. Just click the link below.


The Prayer Chain: 

let us carry your prayer

Prayer is a powerful help and comfort in both good and difficult times. Here at St Mary's we have a Prayer Chain led by one of our Pastoral Assistants, Joan Smith. You may wish to ask us to pray for yourself, for friends, relatives or for any given situation. The Prayer Chain is here to help you with prayerful support, especially in times of crisis or trouble. The members, or links in the chain, will, one by one, bring your prayer requests to the forefront of their prayers to God. Any calls for prayer are treated in the strictest of confidence. If you would like the Prayer Chain to offer prayers on your behalf, please make your request in the box at the back of church, or through our Parish Office on: 0191 488 1553 

Archived on-line Sunday Services

We encourage all to attend our church services. However, for those who can't get to church we keep a library of pre-recorded services; simply click on the links below.


The Second Sunday of Epiphany 2022

Sermon by Anne Robertson on the theme of the Wedding at Cana. Please share the link below with your family and friends, click on  below


The Second Sunday of Easter

Thank you for joining us for our Sunday Holy Communion. Today's Gospel asks us to reflect upon Thomas, his doubt and the question that led him to know and believe. Please share the link below with your family and friends, click on  below


Easter Day Holy Communion

A special day and service for Easter. The promise and depth of God's love is revealed. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view, just click on below


Vigil before Easter Day

Christian tradition encourages us to pray and reflect in the time between Good Friday and Easter at day break. This is the time we wait in hope for the Risen Jesus. The service gives readings and prayers for a vigil which might ideally be used in the hour before sunrise on Easter Day. The readings ponder God's saving action found throughout the history of his people. 

Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view, just click on below


The Good Friday Liturgy

This services includes the Passion of our Lord according to Mark, veneration of the cross, solemn intercession and ends with distribution of the Holy Sacrament reserved from Maundy Thursday leading us into the desolation of Holy Saturday. A solemn and reflective worship as we move with Jesus to the foot of his cross. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Easter message for the Parochial

A short Easter message for the Parochial School Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday begins our journey in Holy Week and brings Christ's journey toward the cross into sharp focus. The service starts with the Blessing of the Palm Crosses and the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, culminating with his arrest and death. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Passion Sunday

The last two weeks of Lent are known as Passiontide. A period of reflection encouraging us to contemplate the Passion and death of Jesus as we journey spiritually with him on his way to the Cross. Our Communion, scripture, song and prayers help us to reflect on the power of God's redeeming love revealed through his Son. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Mothering Sunday

Today's Eucharist is framed by the nation's celebration of Mothering Sunday. Our readings and sermon reflects the occasion as we thank God for our own mums and recognise the wonderful job they do. We also reflect upon St Mary, the mother of our Lord, and are reminded that the Church is called to be a mother to the world. There is also a 'Mothering Sunday' card just for you! Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Third Sunday in Lent

Thank you for joining with us as we continue our shared journey through Lent. Today, in our Eucharist, we consider Jesus and his actions in the Temple. We consider what changes we might make to our lives that will help build God's Kingdom. Do join us next week for Mothering Sunday. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Second Sunday in Lent

Walk with us as we accompany Jesus on his journey toward the cross. Consider your relationship with the Lord Jesus as we listen to scripture and contemplate its message to the world. Pray and seek repentance as we continue to prepare ourselves to share in his passion, death and new life. 

Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


First Sunday in Lent

As we begin our lenten journey we hear the story of Jesus at the very start of his public ministry. Over the next forty days we walk with him toward the cross, share in his passion and ponder his death before reaching Easter to celebrate his glorious resurrection. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Ash Wednesday

We come together at the start of Lent to prepare to journey with Jesus as he moves toward the cross. The story of God's love and redemption is made real through his son. In our service we listen to God's word and take time to confess our sin and to mark ourselves with the sign of the cross, before gathering together around the Lord's table. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Valentine's Day

We bring together the joy of Sunday's worship and the celebration of St Valentine's Day as we contemplate the endless unconditional love God has for all people. There is even a Valentine's card, just for you. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Second Sunday before Lent

In our worship today we hear of God's love for the world made real in his Son Jesus. Vivid imagery, contemplative music and a chance to sing is framed by the light of scripture and its message of hope for all found in and through Christ. Please share the link below with your family and friends; To view just click the link below


Candlemas 2021

Our service focuses on the presentation of Jesus in the Temple.  We ponder the words and prophecy of Simeon, and note Anna's belief that this child Jesus was the one to bring redemption. In our worship, praise and prayer, we hear Jill reveal the message of Candlemas. Join us today and please share this link with your family and friends. Click link below


'The Miracle of Cana'. 

Our service draws us into the presence and life of Jesus.  As we worship together in song, word and prayer, Canon Peter Waterhouse leads us in an exploration of the Sign revealed at Cana. Thank you for joining us today... please share this link with your family and friends. Click link below


Epiphany 2

Our Principal service of Holy Communion. The call of God to Samuel and all disciples through the ages. If you're at home, then thank you for joining us in worship. You'll hear God's Word and be invited to reflect upon his gift to you and for the world. Click link below


Epiphany Sunday

A service of Holy Communion, through which the story of the Magi tells of the revealing of God's one true Light given to all people for all time. We celebrate together and share our faith through word, imagery, hymns & carols as we come together in his light and presence. Available from 10am Sunday 3rd of January '20. Click link below



The First Communion of Christmas. The underlying theme is that of the coming of the ‘Light’. The service celebrates the gift of Jesus to the world. The light of the Good News is proclaimed and made real; praised through music, scripture, carols and imagery. Merry Christmas! Click link below


Christmas Carol Service

A traditional Christmas Carol Service re-tells the joy of the Christmas Story through Readings, Music, Images plus lots of chances to sing along! A great way to celebrate Christmas. Click link below


Opening and Closing Whickham's School's

Community Christmas Carol Concert.

Once again Barry was given the privilege of being part of Whickham School's Community Christmas Carol Concert. This is a two minute film clip giving a short message and prayer, with a hint of a smile at the end! Click link below


Making a Christingle,the Fr Barry way!

A ten minute film for families. Have a go at making a Christingle and find out about it's hidden meaning. Click link below


A Service for Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday Service with Holy Communion and an Act of Worship. Vivid imagery, evocative music, a chance to sing and find true hope as we remember the 'giving and sacrifice' of men and women through the ages. 

Click link below


Advent Sunday

Advent Sunday Holy Communion. The Light is coming, we look forward to the fulfilment of God's promises in the coming of his Son into the world. This is a service which involves you. Together we will sing, listen, share and be held together in the mystery of the Eucharist. Click link below


Christ the King

A service of Holy Communion for the Feast of Christ the King. The video incorporates readings, music, imagery and a homily; there is the opportunity for all to join in with the singing to give that feeling of being together in God's presence. Click link below


2nd Sunday before Advent

Join us for our worship as we come to learn from God's word, to discover new insight and to be assured of his presence with us. Come and hear our members pray, read and give testimony as together we praise God through the Holy Spirit and in Jesus' name. Click link below


Follow us:

St Mary the Virgin, Church Chare, Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne NE16 4SH

Parish Office 0191 488 1553, or 07376172181

(calls are screened and, if possible, responded to during office hours 9:00am to 12:00noon)

Registered Charity Number: 1132270